Words, thoughts and ideas rumble around my mind. Most of which I choose not to write about.
- What is worth saying?
- What is worth writing?
- What is worth listening to?
- What is worth reading about?
- What is worth expressing and why do so?
Does it edify? Is it true? Does it build a bridge? Does it separate the wheat from the shaft?
Does idle chit chat have a purpose? Does it waste time and energy? It crosses the divide and becomes a bridge. But does that bridge hold the weight for real relationships to thrive? Or should we walk to firmer grounds?
Deep and meaningful or fun and light? Why not both? Yes, both is good.
- Why dance in the rain?
- Why do we write blog posts?
- Why do we make videos?
- Why do we write books?
- Why create if no one will listen?
Perhaps, someone will. Perhaps they won’t.
Why do we journal or talk to ourselves?
I write to figure out what I think. And the word lives or dies on the page.
Others think before writing. Some edit their thinking.
This was just a title in my mind and now its a written piece.
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