Nara Fellowship
This is for my podcast and learning club.
Writers of Meaning
This is for the Writers of Meaning book project.
Valerie Flynn
Personal website and blog.
YouTube Podcasts
Nara Fellowship
This is a video podcast talking and learning about fellow learners.
Writers of Meaning
This is the official podcast of the Writers of Meaning anthology project.
Valerie’s Social Media channels
Family Websites
Words of Freedom
Official website for the “Words of Freedom – Men of Honor” audiobook and former radio show.
Sowers Trust
A community for peacemakers to fellowship, work together and feel at home.
Sharing resources, support and encouragement to help the helpers.
An Unincorporated Association of entrepreneurs, artisans, specialists, medical professionals, churches and ministries that submit themselves to the guiding principles of the Sermon on the Mount and the Bill of Rights.
Starting as an online community with the goal to own its own land and build its own co-working facilitates. Aiding in the ‘Domain of One’s Own’, (DoOO) project for its ministry and business members.
Older websites that will eventually be revamped
Amazing Unbelievable Entertainment
The publisher of the “Words of Freedom – Men of Honor” audiobook. If you are interested in ordering bulk CDs or downloads of the audiobook or wish to inquire about syndication or synchronization rights please contact us.
This was the original production company that was we were going to use to produce my father’s line of films. Unfortunately he passed away and we never made them. But the audiobook is his legacy in voice and in spirit.
Contact info:
Mailing Address
Amazing Unbelievable Entertainment
Attention: Valerie Flynn
1151 Eagle Drive, #458
Loveland, CO 80537 USA
Phone: +1 (970) 556-3806
(Please call during the hours of 10am-6pm Mountain Time)
Email: val @ wordsoffreedom . com
(Copy the email address and delete the spaces. Done this way to stop spammers.)
George Flynn
Actor/ Writer/ Director
(Valerie’s father who passed away in 2011. She worked with him and her brother in media production and assisting George to teach numerous media classes for 30+ years.)