I started two YouTube Channels last month. Am I a fool to commit to two? Probably yes. But, I do have good reasons to do so.
Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash
Writers of Meaning
The first one is for the Writers of Meaning project. I just recorded our second interview with one of the writers yesterday. Just have to trim and post it to the channel later this week.
We needed a way to connect and communicate to the Bridges of Meaning online community and many of them are on YouTube. So since I’m in charge of public relations for the book, I stepped into the arena to promote the Writers of Meaning anthology project to our community and the public.
Below is the first video I did to explain the anthology project and invite donations, volunteers and folks to subscribe to the newsletter. I tried to make it fun and short.
Nara Fellowship
I’ve been telling family and friends about Nara Fellowship for quite a few months. A lot of my research on how to do this helped me with the Writers Of Meaning channel as well. My original plan was to have three videos on each channel by April. Yeah, an ambitious goal that I didn’t accomplish. But, the good news is I did get some done. I’m still trying to figure out my Wisdom video for Nara Fellowship.
What is Nara Fellowship about?
Nara is a word that has many meanings around the world. I chose it for its Japanese meaning of “oak”. It also implies connotations of “wisdom” and “spirituality”.
As a writer and lifelong learner who enjoys following rabbit trails wherever my curiosity leads me, this podcast is a documentation of my learning journey. It will be a mix of short monologues and interviews with regular folks and people of renown.
The topics include writing, marketing, history, essential oils, health, care-giving, living with disabilities and/or health conditions, emergency preparedness, community and self directed learning.
Even though I may have conversations with academic guests, the focus will be on personal enrichment for self learners, creative professionals and history reenactors/ enthusiasts.
Life is an adventure. The journey’s sweeter with friends. But don’t subscribe yet!
Don’t Subscribe If…
For my first video, I put a fun spin on the typical “About the Channel & Host” video. It’s titled, “Don’t Subscribe If…” Even though the title is a fun poke to the mantra of all the articles and books for YouTubers to have that incessant call to action, “Like and Subscribe”. I do share what’s the purpose of the channel and the real reasons you shouldn’t subscribe.
A very smart and successful marketing maven, Beryl Wolk, gave my father and me a saying. It goes something like, “If everyone is going one way, do a 180 and go the opposite direction of them.” Wise and sound marketing advice. So, below is the video I wanted to share this April Fool’s day. Appropriately titled, “Don’t Subscribe If…”
Posting Schedule
Some of the more prolific YouTubers tend to do somewhere between 2-4 videos a week. I’m looking at you Paul Vanderklay! I can’t do that. I’ve got care-giving responsibilities, a book to market and life commitments to fulfill. So I decided that I’ll try to produce one video a month for each channel. And periodically one livestream per channel once a month to have conversations with folks in my little corner of the internet. That makes it 2-4 videos a month for me. Quite a full plate.
Production Value: Technical Novice
I would like them to be good podcasts. I have a steep learning curve regarding technology and on camera stuff. Like remembering not to blow my nose on camera during an interview. Made that mistake in the Writers of Meaning interview with Dan Veeneman. I’m gonna make a lot of mistakes and do goofy stuff.
Yes, I worked in media production, but I didn’t do any of the technical stuff, other than learning to build and update websites. And yes, I did rehearse with voice over students and actors in my Dad’s workshops, but I’m not an accomplished actor or voice talent. I absorbed knowledge from my Dad’s classes and books he read. But, this is a learning journey for me. I’m not going to worry about chasing subscribers or renown in the beginning. Maybe later, but I’ll do it without sounding like a used car salesperson or telling you to “Like and Subscribe!”. Planning to grow slowly and improve over time. Hopefully it will lead to something good in the future.
First Rule: Be Interesting
I’ve done quite a bit of research and learning of how to build a writer’s platform, brand and grow a professional network. One of the common themes is to be interesting. I took that to heart, personally and professionally. I can’t predict what would be interesting to you, but if it’s interesting to me, it might be for some like-minded souls. Since I’m putting the work in, I’m gonna be selfish. The goal is to make this edifying, enjoyable and to satisfy my curiosity. I really want to have deeper conversations with people I know and would like to meet.
Having said that, there are two areas that I want to help others with. One is helping other care-givers, disabled folks and people with serious health issues. The second is helping people who want to get into media production, whether as an actor, writer, voice talent or filmmaker. Or as other lesser known crew positions that will help you make money, such as a location scout or caterer.
Start with Why
If you are familiar with Simon Sinek, you might know of his book and TED Talk, “Start With Why”. If not, feel free to watch the TED Talk which is an 18 minute summary of his Golden Circle concept.
What Is My Why?
So in a culture of everyone and their brother doing podcasts to climb up the popularity ladder, why should anyone listen or watch my Nara Fellowship or Writers of Meaning channels? They shouldn’t.
I’m just like everyone else who wants to be rich and successful, but I decided to take a different path. It may not lead me to being wealthy, of great renown or with a lot of subscribers, but that’s okay. I’m aiming for something higher and more meaningful.
In the “Don’t Subscribe If…” video, I state what I’m really about. But I’ll add a few things here that might go into a future video. I want deeper and more meaningful conversations where I connect with like-minded souls beyond the surface level. I’m not a fan of shallow chit chat, gossip or whatever is the controversial topic of the moment, because something bad happened in the news.
In the Bridges of Meaning community, they talk about the mundane and the profound. They wrestle with hard questions and thoughts. And I don’t know how to join them at their level. I want to have more meaningful conversations with friends, family and people of renown. But, I need to learn how to do that better.
I’m not a thought leader or expert. I’m a writer and learner. Just a regular person with big dreams but is grounded to my limiting reality. I can’t be what I’m not, but I can grow and learn to be a better person than I am now. I can try to be the tree in the book of Proverbs that drinks in wisdom to be a more mature person in mind and body.
I’m no Stoic or deep thinker. I’m somewhat between simple folks who are the “salt of the earth” people and the highly educated experts and theologians. I like learning to edify myself, escape my humble life and handicaps, and hopefully build a more prosperous and meaningful future for myself and my family.
The world’s wisdom says “Success will bring you happiness.” Jordan Peterson counters this with one of his rules, “Don’t do what’s expedient, do what’s meaningful.”
Brené Brown, research professor, University of Houston, says something like, “If you want people to respect you, be strong, If you want to connect, be vulnerable.” Jesus says, “Don’t hide your light under a basket.”
My tagline in future videos will encapsulate what I believe and wish to embody.
“For all you Dreamers and Doers:
Stay Humble and Shine On.”
Lauraine says
Well done. Well said!!
Valerie Flynn says
Thank you!