Tired of the huffy puffy grrrness of Us vs. Them? God didn’t say loving our neighbors and enemies was optional.
Nor are we to violate ours and other’s convictions, beliefs and sense of self. So how do we overcome the disagreements and wrongness in life the right way?
A Dream, a Hope and a Prayer
A lot’s happened to my family and me since my dad, George Flynn, went to Heaven in 2011. I’ve learned and grown a lot. Made a whole plethora of mistakes. Enjoyed spending time and plotting mischief with my Geek friends. Over the last two years I’ve begun the process of sorting myself out and “cleaning my room,” online and in real life.
So, after much reading, learning and prayerful contemplation, I know what I want to do and where I want to be for the next 20-40 years, (or however long I’ve got for the rest of my life).
Sower’s Trust was named in honor of George, (which means farmer). He planted seeds of hope and encouragement with his actions & words of truth, wit and whimsy. Dad was always helping someone with a project, pursuing their dream, and/or whatever God led him to do for those in need.
As his daughter, I would like to carry on Dad’s legacy of helping people: by creating a community for peacemakers to fellowship, work together and feel at home. I’d also like to create a sanctuary and support network for helpers.
My dad was an actor, writer and filmmaker. He had a dream – for his family to own their own home and a place where they could work on their ‘numerous projects in various stages of development’.
George loved people, storytelling, teaching and learning. He and my mother, Jean, shared their eclectic tastes in music, books and interests with my brother, Ian, and me.
Since George passed away, his dream has been amended. Not just to help meet the needs of his widow, but to rekindle our culture’s lost “family of neighbors”.
He had, and we have, friends on all sides, politically and ideologically speaking. I want to do the impossible – to bring everyone together into a community; not in a false sense of tolerance, but where we genuinely love our neighbors as brothers and sisters, as people ought to.
One of my best friend’s sayings – “Life is messy” – rings true for me. So my choice is either to run away from the madness of building a community rooted in grace AND truth. Or to face the chaos by being true to who I really am. Stand up, speak the truth and see what God will do with it all.
I’m an eclectic person who loves people, learning and doing creative stuff. I want to help the helpers. Going to need a lot of help from god, my friends and those who have the courage to join us on this crazy wondrous journey.
What would happen if I watered seeds the farmer has sowed in peace? Offering up to God everything I was, am and will be. As well as all my dad’s projects. Putting our family’s hopes and dreams in His hands. What could God do with Sower’s Trust and the Freedom Cultural Center?
There’s only one way, one truth and one light to guide us to the answer. In the words of Mr. Rogers, “Won’t you be my neighbor?”
Sower’s Trust: A community for peacemakers to fellowship, work together and feel at home.
Sower’s Trust has three facets:
- The Fellowship
- The Freedom Cultural Center aka FCC
- The Cohousing Project